Waiting until diseases strike is a recipe for disaster, resulting in unhappy clients and extra repair work.
Preventative control programs act as a preemptive strike, more effectively and economically keeping diseases at bay. Lawn Care Professionals across the country trust Prophesy® DG and Signify™ DG granular fungicides to provide broad-spectrum, systemic suppression and protection against brown patch, dollar spot, pythium, anthracnose, and other summer diseases.

Featuring Dispersing Granule (DG) Technology and providing up to four weeks* of residual control with strong economics per 1,000 square feet, these products represent ideal pillars for any summer disease program.
Provides broad-spectrum control including brown patch and zoysia patch.
Product Codes
10005684 (25 lbs); 10005686 (40-lb)
Active Ingredient
0.72% propiconazole
Particle Size
SGN 100
Featured Technology
Dispersing Granule (DG) Technology
25 and 40-lb bags
Application Rates
2.5-5.0 lbs/M; 109-218 lbs/A


Provides broad-spectrum control including brown patch, zoysia patch, and pythium. Avoids the need for LCO’s to create a special tank mix; any applicator can apply as they would granular fertilizer
Product Code
Active Ingredient
0.31% Azoxystrobin + 0.75% Propiconazole
Particle Size
SGN 100
Featured Technology
Dispersing Granule (DG) Technology
40-lb bags
Application Rates
2-5 lbs/M; 87-218 lbs/Acre

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