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The Innovation Continues in 2024

From industry-leading technology to groundbreaking nutrient delivery systems and next-generation soil amendments, innovation is at the heart of everything we do. 2024 is no...

Give Snow Molds the Boot with VersaGard

VersaGard Fungicide G adds a vital weapon to your arsenal to combat a variety of winter diseases, including snow molds. The three-way active ingredient...

Preventative vs. Curative Disease Control

There is an old adage among turf managers that says, “an ounce of fungicide product applied preventatively is the equivalent of a pound of...

Are Your Customers At Risk for Summer Brown Patch?

Disease prevention is an important component of client satisfaction during any growing season. Starting a program for disease prevention, however, can seem a bit daunting...

Be Prepared for Summer Lawn Diseases

Waiting until diseases strike is a recipe for disaster, resulting in unhappy clients and extra repair work. Preventative control programs act as a preemptive...

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    Introducing CastAway™ DG

    The newest addition to our line of specialty fertilizers, CastAway DG is a natural...

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    SmartPhos® DG: Next-Level Phosphorus Control

    Phosphorus products are typically categorized one of two ways — as rock phosphates, which...

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    Stop Weeds in Their Tracks

    While spring brings excitement back to lawns and gardens, it also brings the potential...

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    The Innovation Continues in 2024

    From industry-leading technology to groundbreaking nutrient delivery systems and next-generation soil amendments, innovation is...

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    Are Your Customers At Risk for Summer Brown Patch?

    Disease prevention is an important component of client satisfaction during any growing season. Starting a...

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    Preventative vs. Curative Disease Control

    There is an old adage among turf managers that says, “an ounce of fungicide...

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