Golfers love spring openings, but your fairways don’t always share their enthusiasm. Subjected to early-season traffic, turf can struggle without properly timed feedings. These high-tech solutions give your fairways the nutrition they need to help ensure a successful spring season.

- 59% MUtech® slow-release nitrogen
- Ammonium sulfate
- Dispersing Granule (DG) Technology

22-0-4 w/ HCU® & Black Gypsum DG®
- 4.70% humic acid
- Humic Coated Urea (HCU) combines urea granules with potassium humate
- Black Gypsum DG delivers humic acid along with secondary nutrients (calcium and sulfur)
- Provides nutrition while working to relieve soil salinity and compaction

Introducing Humic Coated Ammonium Sulfate (HCAS™)

Humic Coated Ammonium Sulfate (HCAS) is the latest innovation to join our CarbonCoat™ line of humic-coated fertility products. Available in sprayable or spreadable formulations, HCAS represents an ideal nitrogen source for cooler weather months.