Your fairways deserve the best. That’s why we’ve been combining select fairway fertilizers with our Humic DG™ for years. These uniform blends feature smaller particle sizes and controlled-release nitrogen, making them ideal fairway fertility solutions.

What sets Humic DG apart?
Humic DG features our patented Dispersing Granule (DG) Technology, making it cleaner and easier to handle, and ensuring a more efficient delivery of the carbon soil craves. These blends provide uniform growth, extended nitrogen feeding and enhanced nutrient uptake.

What difference does a smaller particle size make?
Fairway-grade (150 SGN) fertilizer products offer improved coverage and improved agronomics compared to standard, larger (200-240 SGN) fertilizer products.
Smaller SGN means more fertilizer particles per square foot, resulting in more even color and growth response. Smaller SGN also means less visibility to golfers and improved ability to move fertilizer into the turf canopy for less interruption in playing surface quality.

What does it mean to have a uniform fertilizer blend?
Our fairway fertilizers with Humic DG are uniform fertilizer blends. This means no segregation of prills during application, assuring the even application of all nutrients and soil amendments contained in these high-quality products.
What are the benefits of controlled-release nitrogen in these blends?
Many smaller SGN products do not use controlled-release nitrogen sources or use sources with high salt indexes. Our fairway fertilizers with Humic DG use MUtech® controlled-release methylene urea, designed to provide steady and predictable nitrogen release, regardless of climate. MUtech nitrogen also has a low salt index, reducing the chance of burn potential during summer application timeframes.
Product recommendations
16-0-8 with Humic DG and 22-0-8 with Humic DG are next-level fairway fertility solutions featuring smaller particles, uniform blends, controlled-release nitrogen, and patented Humic DG granules.

- 19% Humic DG
- 50% MUtech® Slow Release Nitrogen (12-16 week nitrogen release)
- SGN 150

- 25% Humic DG
- 80% MUtech-L® Slow Release Nitrogen (18-22 week nitrogen release)
- SGN 150