Golfers love early spring openings, but your turf doesn't necessarily share their enthusiasm. If early spring play and traffic are stressing your turfgrass, we have a few solutions designed to help.
What makes ammonium sulfate-based fertilizers perfect for spring applications?
In colder soils, ammonium nitrogen is more readily taken up by plants, compared to nitrate nitrogen. This is especially important to keep in mind in the spring, when turf subjected to early-season traffic needs early-season feeding.
What options does The Andersons recommend?
We have ammonium sulfate (AMS)-based solutions for both broadcast and foliar applications. Combine a baseline Contec® DG application with spray application of HCAS™ SG for a winning spring nutrient program.
Broadcast applications

Contec DG 12-3-12 (100% AMS)
Contec DG 15-0-15 (50% AMS)
Foliar applications