Goosegrass and crabgrass can spoil a putting green surface. Start the season off right with an application of Goosegrass/Crabgrass Control or one of our Fertilizer + Dithiopyr products.
Goosegrass/Crabgrass Control
Goosegrass and crabgrass are grassy annual weeds which germinate in the late spring and throughout the summer. They can be especially problematic in low cut turf areas such as putting greens and collar approaches. The best approach to preventing an infestation of these problematic weeds is with an application of a pre-emergent product like The Andersons Goosegrass/Crabgrass Control.
Goosegrass/Crabgrass control is a combination of Bensulide and Oxadiazon for use on golf course tees, fairways and greens. This product provides season-long control of goosegrass and crabgrass in bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, tall fescue, bentgrass and perennial rye.

Application Recommendations
The following video provides a quick introduction to the product along with tips for ensuring maximum efficacy. Labels and additional information on our complete line of goosegrass control solutions can be found below.
Goosegrass/Crabgrass Control
Product Code: 10004921
SGN: 80
Bag Weight: 28.8 lbs.

Additional Product Options
Labeled and formulated for use on bentgrass and bermudagrass greens, these products are the most effective preemergent controls for goosegrass and other stubborn grassy weeds.
0-0-5 + 0.103% Dithiopyr
Product Code: 10004941
SGN: 100
Bag Weight: 50 lbs.

0-0-20 + 0.164% Dithiopyr
Product Code: 10005169
SGN: 100
Bag Weight: 50 lbs.

10-3-10 + 0.164% Dithiopyr
Product Code: 10004862
SGN: 100
Bag Weight: 50 lbs.

18-6-15 + 0.164% Dithiopyr
Product Code: 10005070
SGN: 100
Bag Weight: 50 lbs.

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