While spring brings excitement back to lawns and gardens, it also brings the potential for weeds. Preventative applications are key to preventing weeds from taking over landscape beds and turfgrass areas.
Trust our newest granular weed control products to give you the upper hand this spring.

Featuring trifluralin (2.0%) and isoxaben (0.5%), Tricept 2.5 DG provides season-long pre-emergent control of more than 100 broadleaf and grassy weeds in landscape and ornamental areas. Tricept 2.5 DG is labeled for use around more than 600 ornamental species. This easy to spread granular formulation features Dispersing Granule (DG) Technology, which improves application and coverage.

Featuring 2% oxadiazon, Oxa-Pro 2G is a selective, pre-emergent granular herbicide designed to control grassy and broadleaf weeds in dormant or actively-growing turfgrass, including areas with ornamentals and trees.

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