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Oxadiazon Usage & Label Changes FAQs

The EPA recently conducted a scheduled review of the active ingredient oxadiazon, resulting in some upcoming usage and label changes to products containing oxadiazon. This has raised some common questions about the future use of this popular herbicide.

This guide assists distributors and turf managers in implementing the changes, understanding which products are affected, and identifying associated timelines. Click a topic from the list below to learn more.

Q. Oxadiazon will soon be listed as a Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP). What does that mean for distributors and turf managers?

A. Restricted Use Pesticides can only be sold to certified/licensed pesticide applicators, so distributors must confirm with those looking to purchase products containing oxadiazon. Turf managers who wish to purchase/use products containing oxadiazon must be licensed or certified by their state entities. Check with your state pesticide regulatory authority for any documentation requirements or procedures.

Q. Will labeled use rates change for oxadiazon products?

A. Yes. For all use sites, granular oxadiazon product applications are limited to a maximum of 3 lbs. AI per acre per app (lbs. AI/acre/app) with a maximum of two separate applications. In golf situations only, if “heavy weed pressure” is present, the per-application maximum is increased to 4 lbs. AI/acre.

Q. What other use instructions will be changed?

A. The minimum retreatment interval has been reduced to 60 days for all use sites, and product must be watered in directly after application. For golf use sites, only 30% of managed turf acreage can be treated per year. The treated area can change from year to year. “Managed turf acreage” is loosely defined as all turf areas on a golf course property: rough, tees, greens, fairways, clubhouse lawns, etc.

Q: Once label changes are implemented, what should be done with the existing “old-labeled” inventory?

A. Distributors can sell inventory with old (non-RUP) labels until January 21, 2025. Beginning January 21, 2025, any product sold by distributors must have the new (RUP) label.

Turf managers can store and apply any product containing an old label in perpetuity. If a turf manager acquires products containing the new label, this does not override the use instructions of products containing old labels. Any product containing the new label must follow RUP regulations for application and documentation. Restricted Use Pesticides can only be sold to certified/licensed pesticide applicators. Always read and follow label directions.

Q: Which products from The Andersons will be affected by this change?

A. All of our oxadiazon-based products, including Goosegrass Crabgrass Control, Oxa-Pro™ 2G, fertilizer + Ronstar blends, and more. to download the complete list of affected products. For updated labels, visit our .

Q: What is the timeline for implemented changes?

A. We began working with the EPA in 2022 to update the labels of all affected products. With those labels now in place, the timeline below highlights the ongoing impact on both distributors and turf managers.

to download the complete list of affected products and associated timelines.

Q: Where do I go with additional questions?

A: Because laws vary by state, please reach out to your local pesticide regulating agency for further questions regarding RUP regulations. For product use questions, please contact your from The Andersons. For updated labels, visit our .

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About the Author

Ben Pease, PhD

Ben Pease is the Agronomist for The Andersons Turf & Specialty business, responsible for research, service, and technical support. Ben received both his bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Wisconsin, and earned his doctorate degree from Iowa State University. Ben has also served as the Assistant Superintendent for Cherokee Country Club (Madison, WI) and Whistling Straits Golf Courses (Sheboygan, WI). 

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With a focus on quality, service, and technology, the products we bring to market are designed to make work easier for those who use them. From a broad range of fertilizers, control products, and soil enhancers, to patented products and delivery systems, we’re committed to delivering next-generation solutions with the highest level of quality and customer service in the industry.

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