For decades, the industry has faced significant manufacturing challenges in attempting to coat nutrients with humic acid. This has resulted in the reliance on blended fertilizers containing granular or screened humates, or separate applications of fertilizer and humic material.
CarbonCoat utilizes a patented manufacturing process to bond fertilizer granules with a potassium humate coating. These clean, spherical, free-flowing granules deliver nitrogen and humic acid simultaneously. Select CarbonCoat products also utilize a polymer coating to extend their nutrient release.

The CarbonCoat family of products includes Humic Coated Urea (HCU®), Poly-Coated Humic Coated Urea (PCHCU™), and Humic Coated Ammonium Sulfate (HCAS™).

The flagship product of the CarbonCoat line is Humic Coated Urea (HCU), which combines urea granules with potassium humate, creating an ideal nitrogen solution for the warmer months of the growing season.
These multipurpose soluble granules can be solubilized for spray application or dry applied through typical dry spreading equipment.

Analysis: 44-0-0
Humic Acid Content: 2% (A&L Method)
Release: 7-14 days
Product Type: Soluble granules
Particle Size: Standard
Application: Broadcast or spray applied
Packaging: 50-lb bags

Featuring HCU as a base, Poly-Coated Humic Coated Urea (PCHCU) granules also include a polymer coating, providing an extended nitrogen release profile perfect for regular application throughout the playing season.
PCHCU's humic component provides many benefits. Compared to urea applications alone, PCHCU delivers significantly higher total root length, surface area, and volume. Compared to other controlled release nitrogen sources, PCHCU also provides higher levels of plant-available nitrogen.

Analysis: 40-0-0
Humic Acid Content: 2% (A&L Method)
Release: 70 days
Product Type: Dry granules
Particle Size: Standard
Application: Broadcast applied
Packaging: 50-lb bags

Improving on an industry standard, Humic Coated Ammonium Sulfate (HCAS) combines ammonium sulfate granules and humic acid to create an ideal nitrogen source for the cooler months of the growing season, when green-up and growth are crucial.

Analysis: 20-0-0-23S
Humic Acid Content: 2% (A&L Method)
Release: 7 days
Product Type: Soluble or dry granules
Particle Size: Soluble or standard
Application: Spray or broadcast
Packaging: 25-lb (sprayable) or 50-lb (spreadable) bags

Along with their featured CarbonCoat components - HCU, PCHCU, and HCAS - these blends also feature beneficial materials like SmartPhos® DG slow-release phosphorus, carbon-rich humic acid, and more.

9-12-6 with 37% HCU, 36% Black Gypsum DG, and SmartPhos DG

22-0-4 with 50% HCU and 43% Black Gypsum™ DG

(NEW) 16-3-3 with 50% PCHCU, 50% HCAS, and SmartPhos DG

(NEW) 24-0-4 with 75% PCHCU and 25% HCAS

(NEW) 34-0-6 with 100% PCHCU

HCU and PCHCU can be combined with HCAS to deliver nutrition and humic acid throughout the growing season.
HCAS is ideal for the cooler months of the growing season, while HCU can be utilized in the warmer, summer months. PCHCU provides excellent baseline fertility to be used at any time throughout the growing season.

Research has shown that humic acid enhances soil biological activity and increases nutrient uptake. CarbonCoat products are no exception, allowing for reduced nitrogen application rates while maintaining equal turfgrass quality, color and performance.

Our Humic Research Trials brochure provides an overview of our complete line of carbon-based products and highlights our humic acid and fertility research from the past few years.
© 2023 The Andersons, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Andersons logo is a registered trademark of The Andersons, Inc. CarbonCoat, HCAS, PCHCU and Black Gypsum are trademarks of The Andersons, Inc. HCU and SmartPhos are registered trademarks of The Andersons, Inc.