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SmartPhos® DG: Next-Level Phosphorus Control

Phosphorus products are typically categorized one of two ways — as rock phosphates, which deliver low solubility and low availability but are not prone to tie-up in soil, or as soluble phosphorus, which offers solubility and availability but tends to tie-up in soil.

Struvite combines the best of both worlds, featuring low water solubility and high plant availability. Delivering phosphorus slowly and steadily over the course of a growing season, struvite is a also prudent option ahead of nutrient blackout periods.

What Makes Struvite A Great Fertilizer?

Struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) is a phosphorus-rich material known to cause problems for wastewater treatment facilities, where it forms scales on lines and belts, and can ultimately end up clogging pipes and other systems.

With a struvite extraction process, this same problem-causing material can be filtered out, collected, and dried into a powder that can ultimately be recycled as a phosphorus and magnesium-based fertilizer.

With a granulation drum, the struvite powder is formed into granules. While performing similarly to diammonium phosphate (DAP), these struvite fertilizer granules provide many benefits:

  • Low water solubility, allowing for a slow, steady supply of nutrients
  • High plant availability, offering nutrients that can be readily absorbed
  • Low salt index, avoiding the burning of new seedlings
  • Not impacted by soil pH issues

Featuring struvite, SmartPhos DG is designed to provide season-long feeding of plant-available phosphorus, resulting in superior availability and lower use rates. Featuring our patented Dispersing Granule (DG) Technology, SmartPhos DG granules disperse rapidly with water, moving the particles quickly through the turf canopy into the root zone.

Stable in the soil, SmartPhos DG also prevents the leaching of phosphorus. A recent leaching study conducted at The Ohio State University comparing SmartPhos DG and DAP revealed that SmartPhos DG released nutrients 40 times slower than DAP. This balanced, slow-release nutrition is what sets SmartPhos DG apart, making it the perfect phosphorus solution for new seedlings and established turf alike. In fact, SmartPhos DG can be used at half the rate of traditional starter fertilizers while delivering the same results.

Available as a standalone product, SmartPhos DG is also featured as the phosphorus source in select products, detailed below.

Lawncare, Landscape & Nursery Applications

9-12-6 with HCU and Black Gypsum DG

9-12-6 with HCU and Black Gypsum DG is a fertilizer designed for both new turf establishment and maintenance. Representing 37% of the nitrogen source, Humic Coated Urea (HCU) provides humic acid to improve soils and strengthen roots. This formulation also contains Black Gypsum DG to aid in leaching excess sodium through the soil profile. SmartPhos DG provides plant-available phosphorus over an extended period, allowing for lower use rates compared to traditional phosphorus sources.

Golf & Sports Turf Applications

Contec DG® 11-8-9

Contec DG 11-8-9 is a high-performance, well-balanced fertilizer containing SmartPhos DG as the phosphorus source.

Containing MUtech® slow-release nitrogen, Mg, Fe, and Mn, this product is ideal for greens, tees, and other fine turf areas. Featuring DG Technology, Contec DG 11-8-9 disperses rapidly with water, making its way to the root zone while avoiding being picked up by mowers or washed away with rainfall.

Genesis Rx® 5-7-5

Genesis Rx 5-7-5 is an all-in-one fertility and soil amendment product for easy application in conjunction with aerification. This product is a high-quality NPK fertility blend containing secondary and minor elements and utilizing our patented Dispersing Granule (DG) Technology.

Genesis Rx® Zeolite+ 3-4-3

Genesis Rx Zeolite+ 3-4-3, a 50/50 physical blend of Genesis Rx 5-7-5 and zeolite, delivers balanced NPK, secondary and minor element fertility, soil-enriching humic acid, zeolite, and a full spectrum of more than two dozen beneficial microorganisms, all in one easy-to-apply product featuring our patented Dispersing Granule (DG) Technology.

© 2023 The Andersons, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Andersons logo is a registered trademark of The Andersons, Inc. SmartPhos DG, Black Gypsum DG, Genesis Rx, HCU, Contec DG, and MUtech are registered trademarks of The Andersons, Inc.

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About the Author

Ben Pease, PhD

Ben Pease is the Agronomist for The Andersons Turf & Specialty business, responsible for research, service, and technical support. Ben received both his bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Wisconsin, and earned his doctorate degree from Iowa State University. Ben has also served as the Assistant Superintendent for Cherokee Country Club (Madison, WI) and Whistling Straits Golf Courses (Sheboygan, WI). 

Contact Us!

With a focus on quality, service, and technology, the products we bring to market are designed to make work easier for those who use them. From a broad range of fertilizers, control products, and soil enhancers, to patented products and delivery systems, we’re committed to delivering next-generation solutions with the highest level of quality and customer service in the industry.

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