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Available in USA
0-0-14 + 20% Humic Acid
- Quick solubilization in spray tank
- For use on turf & ornamentals
Category | Soil Amendments |
Markets | Golf, Lawn & Landscape, Sports Fields |
Application / Areas of Use | Golf Courses, Residential Lawns, Commercial Lawns, Nursery, Specialty Crops, Row Crops, Ornamentals, Sports Fields |
Technologies | -- |
States Registered | |
Registration Number | |
Density (lbs/ft3) | 41 |
Package Wt. | 30 lbs |
Bag/Pallet | 36 |
SGN Size | 100 |
Type | Soluble |
Slow-Release N (%) | 0 |

Packaging may differ and is subject to change.
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