There is an old adage among turf managers that says, “an ounce of fungicide product applied preventatively is the equivalent of a pound of product applied curatively”.
Trying to apply fungicide after the onset of disease symptoms will stop the progression of the pathogen, but the turf that has already suffered damage will have to regrow. This can cause great frustration with homeowners and can lead to decreased revenue, should the customer decide to leave the program.
Ask any lawn care operator and they'll tell you that they never like to be in a curative mode. In those situations, they are forced to charge customers to apply fungicide after the disease has already appeared, only to have them express their dissatisfaction a few weeks later if weather conditions do not change or the disease continues to persist. Never an ideal situation.
Whether you attack summer diseases preventatively or you are forced into curative mode, you’ll need the right product for the job. While you certainly need to correct the problem, you don’t have to break the bank along the way.
Lawn care professionals across the country trust Prophesy® DG and Signify™ DG granular fungicides to provide broad-spectrum, systemic suppression and protection against brown patch, dollar spot, pythium, anthracnose, and other summer diseases.

Features 0.72% propiconazole. Provides broad-spectrum control of more than 20 common lawn diseases including brown patch and zoysia patch.

Features 0.31% Azoxystrobin + 0.75% Propiconazole. Provides broad-spectrum control of more than 20 common lawn diseases including brown patch, zoysia patch, and pythium. Avoids the need to create a special tank mix; any applicator can apply as they would granular fertilizer.

If disease is already a problem, consider using the maximum application rate with the shortest application interval. By contrast, if you do not have disease present, but you're looking to start a preventative program, use the lower application rate with similar application intervals.
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