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Foltec® SG 24-0-8 (CA/OR/SD only)


Available in USA

Available in Canada

A+ Rewards Product!


  • Quick solubilization in spray tank
  • Contains sea plant extract
  • For use on turf & ornamentals


Category Fertilizers, Humic Products
Markets Golf, Lawn & Landscape, Sports Fields, Horticulture
Application / Areas of Use Golf Courses, Sports Turf, Ornamentals, Specialty Crops
Technologies Foltec® SG
States Registered
Registration Number
Density (lbs/ft3) --
Package Wt. 18.51 kgs
Bag/Pallet 36
SGN Size --
Type Soluble
Nitrogen Source Urea
Slow-Release N (%) 0
product bag
Packaging may differ and is subject to change.
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