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It's Aerification Season. Are You Ready?

The process of mechanical aerification is a necessary management tool to improve airflow, nutrient and water movement through the soil profile. Following this destructive...

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    Got Carbon?

    Carbon, one of the essential building blocks of all organic life, acts as the...

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    Introducing CastAway™ DG

    The newest addition to our line of specialty fertilizers, CastAway DG is a natural...

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    Conquer Spring Seedings with Fertilizer + Mesotrione

    Tackling your spring renovation or seeding project can feel like an uphill battle against...

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    Be Prepared for Summer Lawn Diseases

    Waiting until diseases strike is a recipe for disaster, resulting in unhappy clients and...

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    Getting the Most Out of Your Fairway Fertility Program

    Getting the most out of your fertility program, especially for fairways, your largest maintained...

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    SmartPhos® DG: Next-Level Phosphorus Control

    Phosphorus products are typically categorized one of two ways — as rock phosphates, which...

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